


Professional Judgment - Special Circumstances - Financial

If you or your parent(s) have been impacted financially by circumstances such as loss of income, loss of employment, or other circumstances that significantly impact your or your family’s ability to pay for future educational expenses, the Office of Financial Aid may be able to take them into consideration.

The Office of Financial can take the following circumstances into consideration:

  • Loss of employment or substantial change in income. 请注意,它必须至少 a 减少20% 一定是发生在 60天或以上 在上诉日前
  • 失去赡养费或子女抚养费
  • 父母去世
  • 合法分居或离婚

If you believe you meet one of the circumstances we can take into consideration, please 给财政援助办公室发电子邮件 ofa@hidekoquanyin.net from your Bear Mail account (include the last four of your Bear# and full name). Provide a brief narrative of your circumstances in the email to request access to 期望家庭捐款(EFC)呼吁.

Once your email has been reviewed, you will receive a response within 2-4 business days with further instructions on submitting your appeal statement and supporting 通过你的大熊座.

请不要通过电子邮件提交文件, all appeals are completed through the student's 大熊星座.

If you have additional questions, please contact the 财政援助办公室 at ofa@hidekoquanyin.net


Professional Judgment - Unusual Circumstances - Independency Considerations

 The 财政援助办公室 may, on a case-by-case basis, conduct dependency overrides 对于有特殊情况的学生. 可以考虑的特殊情况 考虑因素包括:

    • 父母遗弃
    • An abusive family environment that threatens the student’s health or safety
    • 一个学生找不到他们的父母.

      这种情况下 值得依赖覆盖的包括:

      • Parent refusal to contribute to a student’s education
      • Parent refusal to provide information for the FAFSA or FAFSA验证
      • Parents not claiming a student as a dependent for income tax purposes
      • 完全自给自足的学生

      Students who submit dependency appeals on the sole basis of any of the situations 上面列出的人的上诉将被拒绝.

For more information, please schedule an appointment with UNC的单点接触(SPOC) 独立学生.


The Department of Education specifies that a student must be meeting SAP standards to 继续接受财政援助. 请参阅我们的"维护您的援助点击这里了解更多信息. 


Complete this appeal form if you have attempted 150% of credits required for degree 完成. 


  1. Log into URSA, go to the Financial tab and click on “Eligibility Requirements.”
  2. 选择“不合格”超链接.
  3. Here you will be prompted to create a 熊验证 account for this process (username 和密码),如果你还没有.
  4. Once an account is created, you will see an option that says, “SAP Appeal”. 选择 这将引导您进入表单. If you do not see the “SAP Appeal” option, select the blue link on the right side of the screen that says “Requests.当你点击 on this you'll see the option to complete a Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal.
  5. After you read over the instructions you can complete the appeal form and upload any third-party documentation (Program Form for Maximum hours) you may have.


The verification process at the 北科罗拉多大学 is completed online 通过学生的大熊座账户. Students and parents are able to use online based forms to complete verification and e-sign documents.

Verification is simply a process of comparing submitted documents to information listed 在FAFSA上. The Department of Education randomly selects students for this process 每年. You will be notified by our office if you are selected. 所需文件 通过以下方式提交 大熊星座




Deadline for completing the verification process: If selected, the deadline for an otherwise eligible student to complete the verification process for all federal aid programs is the date established annually in the 联邦公报 or 120 days after the last day of the student's enrollment, whichever is earlier.



填妥此电子表格 大熊星座 if you answered "Yes" if you received a determination at any time on or after July 1, 2019, that you were an unaccompanied youth who was 无家可归的人 or at risk of being 无家可归的人.

  • "首页less" means lacking fixed, regular and adequate housing. 你可能无家可归 if you are living in shelters, parks, motels, hotels, public spaces, camping grounds, cars, abandoned buildings, or temporarily living with other people because you have 无处可去. Also, if you are living in any of these  situations and fleeing an abusive parent, you may be considered 无家可归的人 even if your parent would otherwise 提供居住的地方.
  • "Unaccompanied" means you are not living in the physical custody of your parent or 《博天堂官方》. 
  • "Youth" means you are 21 years of age or younger or you are still enrolled in high 从你签署申请之日起. 



Please use this 出席费用(COA)调整表 if you would like to have your COA adjusted for any of the following items that exceed your budgeted UNC - COA

-additional educational costs (computer/instrument/other education related items),
-additional books and supplies over the budgeted amount,


Please use this 贷款调整表格 if you would like your already accepted loans 增加的,减少的或取消的. If you are requesting this for a PLUS loan, the Parent of the loan must request the increase, decrease, or cancellation. 一幅画 ID will be required for any PLUS loan adjustments.